Last Day

Well its the last day of Kaitao this is my last post I'm so happy to be leaving....

Term 4 Camp♥

This term in week 3 the Accelerate academy went on camp to Aongatete (if thats how you spell it) Lodge for 3 days and 2 nights. We met at school on Tuesday morning & split into out 3 groups. 1 group was the year 8's, 1 was year 7's, and the last group was the New Caledonian students which was the one I was in. That day the New Caledonian students drove to the lodge because we were the ones cooking dinner the first night. The year 8's went to Waimarino, and the year 7's went to ropes course & paint balling.
Once we arrived at the lodge the owner talked to us and then we went for a walk around the lodge. Its really big and has lots of dorms. There is also lots of space to run around, & a big hall where you can rock climb.
When it was time to start cooking tea all the New Caledonian students met up and we organized ourselves into groups. I chose to be a chef but then there was too many, and not enough kitchen hands, so me & Joana moved into the kitchen hand group. After that the cooks started and didn't need us yet so we went and set up our dorms.
The year 8's arrived at about 3ish and we all met up for a talk with Mrs. Vaughan.
The year 7's arrived and it started to rain so everyone had to go to their dorms.
Cooking dinner wasn't very tiring but after everyone had eaten it was. The waitresses were bringing in so much dishes and we just kept stacking them all for the dishwashers. That night me & Joana only got a spoonful of mince, half a sandwich, and half a cupcake for dinner.
The next morning we had to get ready real early because we were going paint balling and to the ropes course that day. We drove to the ropes course & i didn't do anything because I shake at even the sight of something as high as it was. I don't regret not doing it either. Then we went paint balling, and I was on the blue team. On the first game we played the Green team. Near the end I scored the chicken and was about to run with it but I had no bullets left!! Majorly suckful.
Then in the second game of paint ball we played the yellow team, and it was awesome even though we lost.
We went back to the lodge to get ready to go on our trip to the springs. We got our togs on, and then had a quick rehearsal of our play we were going to do that night. I looked out the window and I saw everyone was in the bus! We ran outside and the bus was leaving and Mrs. Vaughan quickly stopped it and told us to go back to the dorms. So we ended up missing out on the lodge. We were really upset so me & Eleanor were just lying on our beds not happy about it. Then Caitlin & Jo left, so me & Eleanor just went and had showers. After that we practiced our play. Caitlin got grumpy & decided not to do it. So it was just me, Jo, & Ellie.
Then it was dinner time and we sat at our table. Our table was one of the last to be served. Chelsea served us, but it wasn't her fault.Tyrell rubbed my meat patty in grease as well. The burger wasn quite nice other wise.
Just after dinner time the Rotomaths people left to Rotorua for their competition. Then me, Eleanor, & Joana went over to the soccer field and started doing kicks. After that Jim & Lewis & Andrew & Zac came over and started playing rugby so I joined in, & tackled Zac!! Then he stole Jim's hat off me, so we had a really long game of tiggy and capture the midget. Then we ended up playing fun games and laughing our heads off for ages.
Next was dessert time and Tamar stole my seat, so I went and sat by Chelsea & Jim & Lewis etc. Lewis gave me lots of extra ice-cream.
Then we all went to the big hall to perform our plays. We performed 3rd. Our play was so funny.
Gotta go i'll finish this later :)

Mufti Day Video

My Video For Mufti Day (: We had so much fun


Shout Outs 2 my best friends

Watch the video !! (:

best friends (: xx♥

RISSA x-country

Yesterday on the 1st of July09 the Rissa x-country team traveled by bus to the red woods to compete in a 20 minute run around the perimeter of the red woods. It was agonizing and I'm still surprised i finished. I came 21st all in all but that's not very good because at the start I was coming 2nd to my friend Emma from Mokoia.

My Weekend

On Saturday morning my family got up at 6am to get ready for soccer. My Mum is a coach for my sisters team and My sister, brother and I all play for Rotorua City Club and I'm in 12th grade Hurricanes.
We had to be at Puarenga park at 8.30am because my game was at 10.15 and so was my sisters. My step Dad went to work, and my Mum, sister and I went to the soccer park. We helped them go around the whole park in a van and set up the goal nets. Then I saw Tilly and her Auntie and went with them to our field, 12b. My team don't like playing on 12b because its a weird field (and last time we were creamed 12_0). This time we were playing NGO and they're an easy team.
We saw our coach Kevin (he's the bomb) and we started warming up. I play right striker and I kicked off to Aniwa and he kicked back to Logan and it was game on.
They scored the 1st goal
, but then we evened it up. I was almost collapsing by the 2nd half. We were working really hard. At half time we rested and then we got straight back into it. By half way through the 2nd half I wanted to collapse and I almost did, so Kev subbed me. I rested on the sideline and helped out Logan C. Our goalie.
I went back on and then the whistle blew so that made me sad haha. But we'd won the game 4_0 so I was happy again.
Then once we'd finished up at soccer my Mum, sister and I drove to Tokoroa for my baby cousin Jacks 3rd birthday. I missed my Girls rep training at Lynmore at 1.30pm but I was OK with it.
We got back to Rotorua at 4.30pm and I walked straight up to Talita's because I wanted to talk to her about our rep game on Sunday. She gave me my rep uniform and then we asked her Mum of I could stay the night. We begged and she said yes, and so we ran down and grabbed my gear and went back to her house. We got into some trackies and listened to music for ages.
On Sunday we got up at 8.30am to get ready for our rep game at 10am. We left once we were ready. Our rep games went all the way until 4pm that day. We lost only one.

Test Results

The reason I'm writing about my test results is because I'm quite proud of them, and in maths, I got quite a good score, and personally I'm not good at maths.
In the IKAN test, I got 27/40, and that may seem like a bad score, but it's not, the class average would be around 25-30 because its quite a tricky test.
My basic facts test was pretty good, I got 88/100.
Spelling is my best subject and I got 98/100 and that's the highest in the class, and my age is 14.8. SO that's why I'm proud.

Mini Marathon

After interval we had the min marathon. The year 7 girls went 1st, then the yr7 boys, then the yr8 girls, then the yr8 boys.
I sprinted off at the beginning to get to the front, then I paced myself. My strategy always works. I ran with Sequoia, Monique and Brenda, and the whole way we were in the 1st 5 of the yr8 girls. Paige is the fastest yr8 girl in our school and she ran the whole thing in 7mins and came 1st, and its like a 3km track. I came 5th and ran it in 20mins. Last year, I ran it in 20mins and 54sec and came 6th.
Brenda, Sequoia and I ran together from the very beginning, and we stayed together the whole time. We passed a lot of the year 7's and at the end they ran faster and I just paced it right to the finish.

My Learning Stages

For maths this term I am in Mrs. Vaughan's class and that's the highest maths group. We are stage 7-8. Firstly in maths we do our maintenance, which starts us up and warms up our brains. It's just a few easy questions. In term 4 last year I was stage 6, so I've improved by a stage. And in basic facts I always get over 85 out of 100.
In reading I read at age 14+ in primary school, and I'm not sure what age I am now but I hope I've improved in the 2 years at Kaitao haha.
My spelling has to be my best strength because last year my score was 14.8 and I am so proud of that. So I hope I have no spelling mistakes here haha.
We had a basic facts test yesterday and my score was 88/100.

The Coolest People Ever !!

Me , Ms Solomon , & Caitlin . x

Being a KMS school leader 2009

As a Kaitao Middle School Leader, we have many duties.
Here at school we are expected to be good role-models to the year 7's, and set the way (set the example.)
Most School Leaders are also House Captains.
Being a House Captain is also another duty.
I am a house Captain of S O L O M O N house. Its the BEST house in the school.
The school leaders are picked as year 7's by their teachers. All throughout the school there was 50 leaders to start with. Now, at the meetings, there are only approximately 25 that actually turn up, and only about 10-15 leaders actually work and set examples.
I was picked by Mr. Dyke last year in Term 4, as were my friends Eleanor, Caitlin, Paige, & Connor.
It has been fun being a leader. It will be fun also throughout the year.
I remember the school leaders camp at school last year, which was so much fun. We slept 1 night in the hall. That day we really got to know each other, which was so much fun. A few of the year 8 leaders from last year came along to help, they didn't sleep over though.
We did some team challenges out on the field, which was fun. We also did one in the hall with Balloons. Heaps of fun !! Jordan & Grace cooked our dinner. It was Spaghetti Bolognase, which was yum.
At night, the movie wouldn't play. Which means we had to go straight to bed. :(
We were woken at 5am by Mrs. Donaldson. I was straight up,m and ready. We went straight out to fitness. Then we packed all our gear, & took it all to room 10.
That was 1 of my fun school leader experiences.