Term 4 Camp♥

This term in week 3 the Accelerate academy went on camp to Aongatete (if thats how you spell it) Lodge for 3 days and 2 nights. We met at school on Tuesday morning & split into out 3 groups. 1 group was the year 8's, 1 was year 7's, and the last group was the New Caledonian students which was the one I was in. That day the New Caledonian students drove to the lodge because we were the ones cooking dinner the first night. The year 8's went to Waimarino, and the year 7's went to ropes course & paint balling.
Once we arrived at the lodge the owner talked to us and then we went for a walk around the lodge. Its really big and has lots of dorms. There is also lots of space to run around, & a big hall where you can rock climb.
When it was time to start cooking tea all the New Caledonian students met up and we organized ourselves into groups. I chose to be a chef but then there was too many, and not enough kitchen hands, so me & Joana moved into the kitchen hand group. After that the cooks started and didn't need us yet so we went and set up our dorms.
The year 8's arrived at about 3ish and we all met up for a talk with Mrs. Vaughan.
The year 7's arrived and it started to rain so everyone had to go to their dorms.
Cooking dinner wasn't very tiring but after everyone had eaten it was. The waitresses were bringing in so much dishes and we just kept stacking them all for the dishwashers. That night me & Joana only got a spoonful of mince, half a sandwich, and half a cupcake for dinner.
The next morning we had to get ready real early because we were going paint balling and to the ropes course that day. We drove to the ropes course & i didn't do anything because I shake at even the sight of something as high as it was. I don't regret not doing it either. Then we went paint balling, and I was on the blue team. On the first game we played the Green team. Near the end I scored the chicken and was about to run with it but I had no bullets left!! Majorly suckful.
Then in the second game of paint ball we played the yellow team, and it was awesome even though we lost.
We went back to the lodge to get ready to go on our trip to the springs. We got our togs on, and then had a quick rehearsal of our play we were going to do that night. I looked out the window and I saw everyone was in the bus! We ran outside and the bus was leaving and Mrs. Vaughan quickly stopped it and told us to go back to the dorms. So we ended up missing out on the lodge. We were really upset so me & Eleanor were just lying on our beds not happy about it. Then Caitlin & Jo left, so me & Eleanor just went and had showers. After that we practiced our play. Caitlin got grumpy & decided not to do it. So it was just me, Jo, & Ellie.
Then it was dinner time and we sat at our table. Our table was one of the last to be served. Chelsea served us, but it wasn't her fault.Tyrell rubbed my meat patty in grease as well. The burger wasn quite nice other wise.
Just after dinner time the Rotomaths people left to Rotorua for their competition. Then me, Eleanor, & Joana went over to the soccer field and started doing kicks. After that Jim & Lewis & Andrew & Zac came over and started playing rugby so I joined in, & tackled Zac!! Then he stole Jim's hat off me, so we had a really long game of tiggy and capture the midget. Then we ended up playing fun games and laughing our heads off for ages.
Next was dessert time and Tamar stole my seat, so I went and sat by Chelsea & Jim & Lewis etc. Lewis gave me lots of extra ice-cream.
Then we all went to the big hall to perform our plays. We performed 3rd. Our play was so funny.
Gotta go i'll finish this later :)