My Learning Stages

For maths this term I am in Mrs. Vaughan's class and that's the highest maths group. We are stage 7-8. Firstly in maths we do our maintenance, which starts us up and warms up our brains. It's just a few easy questions. In term 4 last year I was stage 6, so I've improved by a stage. And in basic facts I always get over 85 out of 100.
In reading I read at age 14+ in primary school, and I'm not sure what age I am now but I hope I've improved in the 2 years at Kaitao haha.
My spelling has to be my best strength because last year my score was 14.8 and I am so proud of that. So I hope I have no spelling mistakes here haha.
We had a basic facts test yesterday and my score was 88/100.